

In cooperation with the universities from Lübeck, Bremen, Hamburg, Rostock, and Greifswald as well as the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf and the UniTransferKlinik Lübeck GmbH we aim to strengthen AI research in the northern Germany region. The project drive is to advance AI-based medical product development and establish a dynamic AI-Med ecosystem. Our team will contribute to this project with expertise in AI modeling for clinical challenges.


In this DFG funded research project, we are investigating markerless tracking approaches based on high-speed image data from optical coherence tomography. Together with our colleagues from the Clinic of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery at the University Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), we are investigating the pre-clinical application of our methods.


The SYNTRA project (Synthetic Training Data for Radiological Applications) funded by AiF ZIM aims to enhance radiological image processing by integrating deep generative models. Traditional deep learning algorithms require costly and time-consuming expert annotations for training. SYNTRA seeks to address this by using innovative generative models, such as diffusion models, to create synthetic radiological images with simulated pathologies and annotations, enriching the available training data. A pilot application focused on detecting and segmenting lung tumors in CT images will be conducted together with our Partner from jung diagnostics GmbH to evaluate SYNTRA’s potential.


The Horizon Europe project SustAInLivWork aims at creating a Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Lithuania for Sustainable Living and Working (SustAInLivWork), specialized in the development and application of R&I solutions based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the manufacturing, energy, health and transport sectors. We will contribute to this project with our expert knowledge and experience in developing AI for health care.

Time-Constrained Model Checking and Verification-Aware System Design for Medical Cyber-Physical Systems

In this DFG funded research project we investigate time-constrained model checking algorithms for a verification-aware system design. Together with our collegues from the Institute of Software Systems, we study different application scenarios ranging from improved needle insertion control to optimized radiation therapy.

Accelerating the Homecare Innovation Ecosystem of the Future in the North Sea Region (ACE)

The ACE project is strengthening the North Sea region’s homecare ecosystem, connecting care providers and companies to foster safety and independence for care users with improved services. This collaboration of 14 partner organizations from six European countries (Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, France, and Germany) is defining and expediting all innovative technologies that support older adults at home, while also supporting care service providers in adapting to emerging technologies and new ways of working. This project is funded by the Interreg Northsea program.

Interdisciplinary Competence Center for Interface Research (ICCIR)

The Interdisciplinary Competence Center for Interface Research (ICCIR) investigates the properties and interactions between materials and tissues at interfaces in order to solve clinically relevant questions using medical engineering approaches. The combination of modern technical systems for the sensory recording of tissue properties and structures with mathematical-engineering methods, biomedical modeling and clinical research creates a unique basis for the comprehensive multidisciplinary investigation of interface phenomena.

Model Guided Machine Learning for Simulating Soft Tissue Materials in Medicine (i3m4)

In our research projects we develop, extend, and adapt methods from robotics and navigation, search and optimization, machine learning, and signal and image processing to realize systems and system components for clinical applications ranging from tissue characterization to radiosurgical treatments

KUKA Innovation Award 2020

The Institute of Medical Technology was one of the five final teams worldwide for the  KUKA Innovation Award 2020. We received the KUKA LBR Med lightweight robot and created a versatile solution for robotic needle insertion.

Previous Projects

We are grateful for the funding of our previous projects

  • LUMEN from 2021 to 2023 (AiF ZIM)
  • AnomalieDetektor from 2019 to 2022 (AiF ZIM)
  • MALEKA from 2017 to 2020 (IFB)
  • RobUST II from 2020 to 2023 (DFG)
  • FASOD from 2018 to 2020 (AiF ZIM)
  • NAVINAD II from 2017 to (DFG)
  • RobUST I from 2016 to 2020 (DFG)
  • TATRIS from 2015 to 2018 (AiF ZIM)
  • NAVINAD I from 2014 to 2020 (DFG)