Stefan Gerlach







PhD Student

+49 (0)40 42878 3828




Curriculum Vitae

2019 - today MTEC Institute / TUHH
2016 - 2019 Hamburg University of Technology


  • Treatment Planning for Radiation Therapy
  • Machine Learning for Mathematical Optimization


  • Research assistant
  • PhD student



   Google Scholar Profile

Student Theses

In general, I supervise student theses with topics on deep learning for medical problems. In case you are interested in this field, contact me via E-Mail. 


  • Very good academic record
  • Very good programming skills (e.g. Python/Java/C/C++)
  • Background knowledge on machine learning and deep learning
  • Motivation and the ability to think critically and work independently

Please provide in your E-Mail:

  • Bachelor certificate and current transcript of records
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • A short text where you highlight your technical interests and related prior experiences