Sarah Latus







Senior Research Engineer

+49 (0)40 42878 3389




Curriculum Vitae

2016 - today MTEC Institute / TUHH
2010 - 2016 Hamburg University of Technology


  • Optical coherence tomography for micronavigation
  • OCT based soft tissue characterization
  • Control of robotic needle insertion


  • Senior Research Engineer
  • PhD student
  • Control of the institute's OCTs




  • S. Latus, S. Grube, T. Eixmann, M. Neidhardt, S. Gerlach, R. Mieling, G. Hüttmann, M. Lutz, A. Schlaefer (2023). A Miniature Dual-Fiber Probe for Quantitative Optical Coherence Elastography. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 70. (11), 3064-3072 [Abstract] [doi][BibTex]


  • J. Sprenger, M. Neidhardt, M. Schlüter, S. Latus, T. Gosau, J. Kemmling, S. Feldhaus, U. Schumacher, A. Schlaefer (2021). In-vivo markerless motion detection from volumetric optical coherence tomography data using CNNs. In Cristian A. Linte and Jeffrey H. Siewerdsen (Eds.) Medical Imaging 2021: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling SPIE: 345 - 350. [Abstract][doi][www][BibTex]

  • R. Mieling, J. Sprenger, S. Latus, L. Bargsten, A. Schlaefer (2021). A novel optical needle probe for deep learning-based tissue elasticity characterization:. Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering. 7 (1), 21-25. [Abstract][doi][www][BibTex]

  • S. Latus, J. Sprenger, M. Neidhardt, J. Schadler, A. Ron, A. Fitzek, M. Schlüter, P. Breitfeld, A. Heinemann, K. Püschel, A. Schlaefer (2021). Rupture detection during needle insertion using complex OCT data and CNNs. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 68 (10), 3059-3067. [Abstract][doi][BibTex]


  • M. Neidhardt, M. Bengs, S. Latus, M. Schlüter, T. Saathoff, A. Schlaefer (2020). 4D Deep learning for real-time volumetric optical coherence elastography. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2020 1861-6429. [Abstract][doi][www][BibTex]

  • F. Griese, S. Latus, M. Schlüter, M. Graeser, M. Lutz, A. Schlaefer, T. Knopp (2020). In-Vitro MPI-guided IVOCT catheter tracking in real time for motion artifact compensation. PLOS ONE. 15 (3), 1-17. [Abstract][doi][www][BibTex]

  • S. Latus, P. Breitfeld, M. Neidhardt, W. Reip, C. Zöllner, A. Schlaefer (2020). Boundary prediction during epidural punctures based on OCT relative motion analysis. Euroanaesthesia 2020 Accepted. [BibTex]

  • D.B. Ellebrecht, S. Latus, A. Schlaefer, T. Keck, N. Gessert (2020). Towards an Optical Biopsy during Visceral Surgical Interventions. Visceral Medicine. [Abstract][doi][BibTex]

  • M. Neidhardt, M. Bengs, S. Latus, M. Schlüter, T. Saathoff, A. Schlaefer (2020). Deep Learning for High Speed Optical Coherence Elastography. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging accepted. [BibTex]


  • M.-H. Laves, S. Latus, J. Bergmeier, T. Ortmaier, L. A. Kahrs, A. Schlaefer (2019). Endoscopic vs. volumetric OCT imaging of mastoid bone structure for pose estimation in minimally invasive cochlear implant surgery. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. 14 (1), 136-137. [doi][www][BibTex]

  • S. Latus, M. Neidhardt, M. Lutz, N. Gessert, N. Frey, A. Schlaefer (2019). Quantitative Analysis of 3D Artery Volume Reconstructions Using Biplane Angiography and Intravascular OCT Imaging. 6004-6007. [doi][BibTex]

  • S. Latus, F. Griese, M. Schlüter, C. Otte, M. Möddel, M. Graeser, T. Saathoff, T. Knopp, A. Schlaefer (2019). Bimodal intravascular volumetric imaging combining OCT and MPI. Medical Physics. 46 (3), 1371-1383. [Abstract][doi][www][BibTex]

  • N. Gessert, M. Schlüter, S. Latus, V. Volgger, C. Betz, A. Schlaefer (2019). Towards Automatic Lesion Classification in the Upper Aerodigestive Tract Using OCT and Deep Transfer Learning Methods. International Congress and Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. Accepted. [www][BibTex]

  • N. Gessert, S. Latus, Y. S. Abdelwahed, D. M. Leistner, M. Lutz, A. Schlaefer (2019). Bioresorbable Scaffold Visualization in IVOCT Images Using CNNs and Weakly Supervised Localization. SPIE Medical Imaging 2019: Image Processing. 109492C. [www][doi][BibTex]

  • N. Gessert, M. Lutz, M. Heyder, S. Latus, D. M. Leistner, Y. S. Abdelwahed, A. Schlaefer (2019). Automatic Plaque Detection in IVOCT Pullbacks Using Convolutional Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 38(2), 426-434. [Abstract][doi][BibTex]


  • F. Griese, S. Latus, M. Gräser, M. Möddel, M. Schlüter, C. Otte, T. Saathoff, T. Knopp, A. Schlaefer (2018). Stenosis analysis by synergizing MPI and intravascular OCT. International Workshop on Magnetic Particle Imaging 217-218. [BibTex]

  • N. Gessert, M. Heyder, S. Latus, D. M. Leistner, Y. S. Abdelwahed, M. Lutz, A. Schlaefer (2018). Adversarial Training for Patient-Independent Feature Learning with IVOCT Data for Plaque Classification. International Conference on Medical Imaging with Deep Learning [Abstract][www][BibTex]

  • N. Gessert, M. Heyder, S. Latus, M. Lutz, A. Schlaefer (2018). Plaque Classification in Coronary Arteries from IVOCT Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Transfer Learning. (Suppl1) International Journal of CARS'2018. 13 (1), 99-100. [doi][www][BibTex]


  • S. Latus, C. Otte, M. Schlüter, J. Rehra, K. Bizon, H. Schulz-Hildebrandt, T. Saathoff, G. Hüttmann, A. Schlaefer (2017). An Approach for Needle Based Optical Coherence Elastography Measurements. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2017. [Abstract][doi][www][BibTex]

  • S. Latus, M. Lutz, T. Saathoff, N. Frey, A. Schlaefer (2017). The quantitative effect of catheter bending on artery volume estimation for IVOCT. Optics in Cardiology Symposium 2017 Rotterdam, Netherlands [www][BibTex]


  • S. Latus, M. Lutz, C. Otte, S.-T. Antoni, N. Frey, A. Schlaefer (2016). Estimation of Arterial Vasomotion Using Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography. 15. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Computer- und Roboter Assistierte Chirurgie. [BibTex]

  • C. Otte, J. Beringhoff, S. Latus, S.-T. Antoni, O. Rajput, A. Schlaefer (2016). Towards Force Sensing Based on Instrument-Tissue Interaction. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI) Baden-Baden 180-185. [www][BibTex]