Maximilian Neidhardt







Research Assitant

+49 (0)40 42878 4639




Curriculum Vitae

2018 - today MTEC Institute / TUHH


  • Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis
  • 3D CNN Architectures for Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Data
  • OCT-based Tracking, Force Estimation and Disease Classification
  • Calibration Strategies for OCT with Robotic Systems


  • Research assistant
  • PhD student




  • M. Neidhardt, R. Mieling, M. Bengs, A. Schlaefer (2023). Optical force estimation for interactions between tool and soft tissues. Scientific Reports - Nature. 13. (1), 506 [Abstract] [doi][www][BibTex]


  • M. Neidhardt, M. Bengs, S. Latus, S. Gerlach, C. J. Cyron, J. Sprenger, A. Schlaefer (2022). Ultrasound Shear Wave Elasticity Imaging with Spatio-Temporal Deep Learning. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 1-1 [Abstract] [doi][www][BibTex]

  • M. Neidhardt, S. Gerlach, R. Mieling, M.-H. Laves, T. Weiß, M. Gromniak, A. Fitzek, D. Möbius, I. Kniep, A. Ron, J. Schädler, A. Heinemann K., Püschel, B. Ondruschka, A. Schlaefer (2022). Robotic Tissue Sampling for Safe Post-Mortem Biopsy in Infectious Corpses. IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics. 4. (1), 94-105 [Abstract] [doi][www][BibTex]


  • K. P. Abdolazizi, K. Linka, J. Sprenger, M. Neidhardt, A. Schlaefer, C. J. Cyron (2021). Identification of the concentration‐dependent viscoelastic constitutive parameters of gelatin by combining computational mechanics, machine learning. Proceedings in applied mathematics, mechanics. 21. (1), e202100250 [Abstract] [www][BibTex]

  • M. Neidhardt, S. Gerlach, M.-H. Laves, S. Latus, C. Stapper, M. Gromniak, A. Schlaefer (2021). Collaborative robot assisted smart needle placement. Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering. 7. (2), 472-475 [Abstract] [doi][www][BibTex]

  • S. Lehmann, A. Rogalla, M. Neidhardt, A. Schlaefer S.Schupp (2021). Online Strategy Synthesis for Safe and Optimized Control of Steerable Needles. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science. 348 128-135. [Abstract][doi][www][BibTex]

  • K. P. Abdolazizi, K. Linka, J. Sprenger, M. Neidhardt, A. Schlaefer, C. J. Cyron (2021). Concentration-Specific Constitutive Modeling of Gelatin Based on Artificial Neural Networks. PAMM. 20 (1), e202000284. [Abstract][doi][www][BibTex]


  • M. Gromniak, M. Neidhardt, A. Heinemann, K. Püschel, A. Schlaefer (2020). Needle placement accuracy in CT-guided robotic post mortem biopsy. Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering. 6 (1), 20200031. [Abstract][doi][www][BibTex]

  • M. Neidhardt, N. Gessert, T. Gosau, J. Kemmling, S. Feldhaus, U. Schumacher, A. Schlaefer (2020). Force estimation from 4D OCT data in a human tumor xenograft mouse model. Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering. 6 (1), 20200022. [Abstract][doi][www][BibTex]

  • A. Rogalla, S. Lehmann, M. Neidhardt, J. Sprenger, M. Bengs, A. Schlaefer, S. Schupp (2020). Synthesizing Strategies for Needle Steering in Gelatin Phantoms. Models for Formal Analysis of Real Systems (MARS 2020) [Abstract][doi][www][BibTex]

  • S. Latus, P. Breitfeld, M. Neidhardt, W. Reip, C. Zöllner, A. Schlaefer (2020). Boundary prediction during epidural punctures based on OCT relative motion analysis. EUR J ANAESTH. 2020 (Volume 37 | e-Supplement 58 | June 2020), [Abstract][BibTex]

  • M. Neidhardt, M. Bengs, S. Latus, M. Schlüter, T. Saathoff, A. Schlaefer (2020). 4D Deep learning for real-time volumetric optical coherence elastography. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2020 1861-6429. [Abstract][doi][www][BibTex]

  • M. Neidhardt, M. Bengs, S. Latus, M. Schlüter, T. Saathoff, A. Schlaefer (2020). Deep Learning for High Speed Optical Coherence Elastography. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging 1583-1586. [Abstract][doi][BibTex]

  • M. Schlüter, L. Glandorf, J. Sprenger, M. Gromniak, M. Neidhardt, T. Saathoff, A. Schlaefer (2020). High-Speed Markerless Tissue Motion Tracking Using Volumetric Optical Coherence Tomography Images. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging 1979-1982. [Abstract][doi][BibTex]


  • S. Latus, M. Neidhardt, M. Lutz, N. Gessert, N. Frey, A. Schlaefer (2019). Quantitative Analysis of 3D Artery Volume Reconstructions Using Biplane Angiography and Intravascular OCT Imaging. 2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) 6004-6007. [Abstract][doi][BibTex]


  • S.-T. Antoni, S. Lehmann, M. Neidhardt, K. Fehrs, C. Ruprecht, F. Kording, G. Adam, S. Schupp, A. Schlaefer (2018). Model checking for trigger loss detection during Doppler ultrasound-guided fetal cardiovascular MRI. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. 13 (11), 1755-1766. [Abstract][doi][www][BibTex]


  • M. Neidhardt, O. Rajput, D. Drömann, A. Schlaefer (2015). Mobile C-arm Deformation and its implication on Stereoscopic Localization. Tagungsband der 14. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Computer- und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie Bremen, Germany 183-187. [Abstract][BibTex]